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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Bible Signs of the End Times

When Noah and Lot warned their respective people of God's coming judgment and destruction, they would not listen. Instead they treated Noah and Lot as "extremists". Then the destruction that DID come found the people unprepared. Thus it will be when Jesus Christ returns. As in the days of Noah and Lot, the soon visitation of the Lord Jesus will be a snare unto the people who do not heed the warning and give their lives to Him. (Luke 17:26-30)

What you are about to discover in this site is amazing evidence that we in 2014 are living in the end of times for this world End Time Signs Fulfilledas we know it. The Biblical signs are clear for all to see, and after reading through this site with open eyes, even the scoffers will struggle to argue against it. Sure, many people throughout history have been proclaiming that they were living in the last days and the end of the world was nigh, and some of the Bible signs have always existed from the early days. But never has there been a time before when ALL these events were evident in so many diverse places and with such frequency and intensity. Our Generation is the FIRST generation to fulfill ALL the biblical signs. So we will show you from the many following signs on this and other pages, that without doubt we are living in the final years that the Bible prophesied were to come.
Please note: We are NOT here to set dates or times. We are here only to warn the world that the second coming of Christ Jesus is NEAR, even "at the door"
If you take into consideration all the signs, there is no mistaking that our generation is living in the last days, nearing the second coming of Jesus. Problem is, Satan can see how close we are to the end of the world, which is why he brings certain people into the spotlight (like Harold Camping of recent times), proclaiming false dates for the second coming, which when those dates come and go, causes many people to turn away completely from the truth. The truth being that WE ARE living in the end times. The Bible is very clear on that. We just can't set specific dates for Jesus' return. But we CAN know when the end is near ... Matthew 24:33 ...'So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.' ... And we are certainly now seeing "ALL these things".
Before you read on, please note this important point. In Matthew 24, Jesus speaks of wars, earthquakes and such things, but says these are just the "beginning of sorrows" and "the end is not yet". Now that word "sorrows" in the original language meant "birth pangs", the pain in childbirth. Now birth pangs speak of frequency and intensity. And as a woman gets nearer the birth, the "pangs" become more frequent and intense. This is true also for the signs of the end times. These signs began not long after Jesus' day, and as Jesus quoted, the end would not yet be, because this was just the beginning of sorrows. But throughout history we have seen the "pangs" (signs) become more frequent and intense, culminating in the day we live in now where the pangs are so frequent and intense that we must be right at the time of "delivery", when Jesus is to return. So don't let anyone fool you into believing that the signs today are just the beginning of sorrows and the end is not yet.
"The beginning of sorrows" started nearly 2000 years ago with the persecution of the early church and the destruction of Jerusalem. We are living at the end of time.

Historical Evidence - Daniel 2

Daniel 2:31-45 ..'Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image .. This image's head Daniel 2 Image Nebuchadnezzarwas of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet ... Thou art this head of gold ... And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron ... And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided ... Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter.'
More than being a "sign" of the times, this is an historical FACT of where we stand in earth's history. The vision that God gave King Nebuchadnezzar as shown in the Bible verses above, and subsequently the interpretation to the prophet Daniel, consisted of an image of a man which depicted all the "ages" and ruling kingdoms from the time of Babylon until the second coming of Christ Jesus (the destroying Rock, which is the eternal kingdom of God).
By the way, if you are not convinced that the Bible is any sort of authority, then study this prophecy of Daniel 2. It perfectly foretold the future kingdoms of this world up until the end of time. And history confirms it as ACCURATE.
As you can see from the picture, the different parts of the man represented the different "ages" and ruling kingdoms of this world. And what is the last "age"? It's the feet of the image. And when did the last age start? It started in the year 476 AD. when Rome fell and split into the ten kingdoms of Europe. Which means this world has been in the "last age" for over 1500 YEARS! So add that to the amazing signs of the last days that you will see throughout this site, and you are left with no doubt that we are living right at the end of the toes on the image and right at the end of time, soon to see the second coming of Christ Jesus.


Daniel 12:4 ...'even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.'
End Time Sign KnowledgeI Just love this sign, because it is clearly pointing to our day today, and it CANNOT be refuted by anyone. Throughout history we have had a slow and little increase in knowledge. But take a look at the EXPLOSION of knowledge over the past 150 years! Up until recently in history, the fastest form of transport was a horse. Now man can travel at hundreds and even thousands of miles per hour with travel to the moon! Technology has developed at a rapid pace, which has led to great improvements in computer power, scientific discoveries and the medical profession. Just look at how much we have learned about the human body with things like DNA and Cellular Structures etc. And how about "running to and fro"? This is pointing specifically to our day with planes, trains, automobiles and the busyness of modern day life. We are definately running to and fro and have knowledge like no time before us.
This Bible sign doesn't end there though, because it has a dual application. "running to and fro and knowledge increase" also applies to knowledge of Biblical truths (see Amos 8:12). During the "dark ages", for over 1000 years, knowledge of Biblical truths were surpressed by the Roman Catholic Church. But since the protestant reformation and breakaway from Rome, God's people have been running to and fro in His Word FREELY and knowledge about great Bible truths have been revealed. God now has an end time remnant church with the FULL gospel truth to take to the world before the end comes, which was needed to fulfill the sign about taking the true gospel message to the whole world. Which you will read about further down the page.


Revelation 13:17 ...'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'
Now this is a sign that most people miss! Have a think about it ... What needs to happen in order for the "beast system" to stop people from buying and selling if they refuse the mark? We need to have a worldwide financial system whereby everything bought and sold is through electronic means, not cash.
Has there been any time in history where this could happen? No. Are WE living in a day where this could happen? Most certainly, yes! And the powers of this world are now trying to make cash obsolete, and are actively pushing pure electronic forms of payment, like "PayPal" and "Google Wallet" for instance. Take a look at the news and you will see this being reported in different countries of the world.

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