Conjoined baby twin girls who shared the same chest
wall, lungs, pericardial sac, diaphragm, liver, intestines, colon and
pelvis successfully underwent complex 26-hour separation surgery.
Knatalye Hope and Adeline Faith Mata were born conjoined in Texas
last April and now, ten months later, they have been finally separated
by a team of doctors in a complex 26-hour operation. The surgery is
believed to be the first in its kind as the twins conjoined at the chest
and abdomen had been separated successfully. This became possible due
to high professionalism of more than 26 clinicians, including 12
surgeons, six anesthesiologists and eight surgical nurses.

Happy parents Elysse and John Eric just can’t find proper words to thank the doctors, the girls’ mother Elysse says, “We
know how much planning and time went into this surgery and we are so
blessed to be at a place like Texas Children’s where we have access to
the surgeons and caretakers that have made this dream a reality. We also
want to express our gratitude to all of the people that have prayed and
provided support to our family over the last 10 months.”

Preparing for the major surgery a 3-D model of the twins’organs were
created so doctors have a possibility to conduct simulations of the
actual separation surgery. Meanwhile both Knatalye and Adeline
were undergoing a procedure of expanding their skin on chest and
abdomen in preparation for their separation surgery. The girls are now
being cared for in the hospital’s paediatric intensive care unit, where
they will have to undergo additional procedures before
being released from hospital.
twins, pictures before the surgery were connected at the chest and
abdomen and shared several vital organs including the liver, lungs and
Mata discovered she was carrying conjoined twins when a routine
ultra-sound showed that the girls were connected at the chest and
the surgery Knatalye and Adeline underwent a five-hour procedure to
place tissue expanders in their chest to prepare for the operation
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